
Overall methodology

Stage-gate approach included in the project strategy

Given the specific stage-gate approach that this project will follow, with the first assessment of the project after only 6 months, specific methodology has been included in the project setting-up. Notably, the T1.3 includes time to connexion with InnoEnergy. Moreover, a first draft of business plan will be ready for M6 (D1.3.1) as well as a first report on IPR management status (D1.2.1) to be discussed with InnoEnergy, and the data management plan (DMP).

First screening for LCA (D7.1.1) will be made available at M6. The plan for communication and dissemination (D8.1) will be available at M6 as well as the website (D8.2). Finally, to ensure the fastest start of the project, all management tools (D9.1) as well as the quality plan (D9.2) will be available at M3. Three milestones are planned between M1 and M6 (cf. Table 9): one at M3 for the implementation of management procedures, one specific to the go/no go from the EC at M6 and another one at M6 related to the website made available online.

Two complementary technologies: PSC and DSSC

The global methodology of the project is based on the very promising and complementary absorption of Perovskite Solar Cells (PSC) and Dye Sensitised Solar Cells (DSSC) that absorb respectively in the UV and in the NIR. Gathering worldwide-renowned experts on these technologies, the consortium aims to merge them into a tandem device that will add the advantages of both technologies, leading to the most efficient transparent cell ever produced.

A step by step methodology

The methodology of the project is based on step by step tasks and milestones related to both PSC and DSSC absorbers and materials, and then merging these cells in a tandem device that will allow to benefit from both their characteristics and selective absorption in the UV and NIR.

  •  Firststep, PSCand DSSC:  

The first step consists in developing UV-PSC in WP2 and NIR-DSSC in WP3. Along with the elaboration/optimisation of the absorbers and the other key materials in the cell, critical attention will be placed to make them as much transparent as possible in order to meet the objective of 75% AVT. In WP3 a feedback process  between the theoretical modelling (task 3.1) and the actual synthesis of the NIR absorbing dye (task 3.2) is implemented with following strategy: i) a first batch of molecular structures of polymethine dyes will be created using available literature data, ii) predictive theoretical models of spectroscopic properties will be applied to determine the most promising candidates, iii) the selected dyes will be actually synthetised, iv) feedback on the dyes performances will be provided to the theoretical modelling task either to refine and improve the design or discard the molecule. This approach will provide a fast selection scheme and ensure to reach and possibly go beyond the targeted molecular properties.

  • Second step, tandem

The second step is to merge the two transparent cells in a 4T tandem module with final AVT > 55%. For the project, the top and bottom position remains free at this stage for further optimisation of the tandem performances. Also, two strategies will be explored for assembling the tandem cell either mechanically stacked tandem or integrated tandem with different consequences on power conversion efficiency and final transparency.

  • Third step, upscaling

The last step is the upscaling of the materials and technologies to ensure wider possible impacts and prompt elevation of TRL beyond 5 for market introduction.

An industrial ambition

Indeed, the last development step is the up-scaling of both the PSC and DSSC and associated materials done in WP6 that will lead to the final module prototype of the bigger dimension 200 x 300 mm. The upscaling is particularly challenging for PSC. The last part of the project really aims to ensure the industrial production of the module after the end of the project.

A strategy for a strong market uptake

In the WP1, data management, IPR and related business strategy is tackled. The work related to those tasks will last from the beginning to the end of the project because they are all related with the exploitation of the solution and the market uptake. IPR management notably will be crucial for an easy and efficient market uptake, to make sure that all important results are protected, and to make sure that the exploitation by the other partners is possible. In order to have strong business strategy and market uptake, discussion will take place with InnoEnergy. To ensure the well implementation of such an important task, EQY who has strong experience in exploitation of EU project results, will be leading this work.