1st June 2022
University of Rome Tor Vergata

IMPRESSIVE is organising its final demonstration event in Rome.
➡️ This event will be the opportunity to persent IMPRESSIVE results, as the project is coming to an end!
📍 The event will take place at the University of Roma Tor Vergata (Via del Politecnico 1, 00133 Rome) on the 1st of July 2022 between 2pm and 5pm
Register using this form: IMPRESSIVE demonstration event at ROME (UTV) 1st of July 2022 (
Participation to the event is free (number of attendees is however limited).
WORKSHOP – Transparent photovoltaic: status and perspectives
28th April 2022 – University of Rome Tor Vergata, Congress Room, via del Politcenico 1 (hybrid mode)
On the 28th of April, IMPRESSIVE, Tech4Win and CitySolar are organising a workshop at the University of Rome Tor Vergata on Transparent PhotoVoltaics. The workshop is open to every interested parties. We are looking forward exchanging with you at the occasion!
If you are interested to participate in the workshop, please contact Aldo Di Carlo :
Participation to the online event is free (number of attendees is however limited). Registration for the online event at the following link.
9:00 Aldo Di Carlo (ISM-CNR/Univ. Tor Vergata): Welcome
9:10 Hin Lap YIP, Angus (City University of Hong Kong): Optical design for solution-processed transparent and tandem solar cells (invited)
9:40 Annalisa Bruno (NTU, Singapore): Colored, Flexible and stable co-evaporated perovskite solar cells (invited)
10:10 Alex López-Garcioia, (IREC, Spain): Oxide based devices and related heterojunctions for high transparent applications (invited)
10:40 Coffee break
11:00 Alejandro Pérez Rodríguez, (IREC, Spain ): H2020 project – TECH4WIN
11:30 Frederic Sauvage (CNRS, France): H2020 project – IMPRESSIVE
12:00 Aldo Di Carlo (CNR-ISM, Italy) / Christoph Brabec, (FAU, Germany): H2020 project – CITYSOLAR
12:30 Edgardo Saucedo (UPC, Spain) The SENSATE project
12:45 Stephan Aberman (AIT, Austria) The VIPERLAB Project
13:00 Claudia Barolo (Univ. Turin, Italy) Materials for transparent PV